Monday 15 August 2011

Apprentice & Kaapzicht Adventure

It was a beautiful cold rainy day when I decided, with my mom & sister, to adventure to Apprentice Restaurant & Kaapzicht Wine Farm for a little outing.

I got little D ready and dressed him up in a warm little winters outfit. Everyone was ready and waiting for mommy and babe. Dylan hates his car seat. I strapped him in, with his favorite giraffe & bunny mobile attached for his entertainment. I have not even heard the "click" of the safety button when he started to scream (red in the face and fists flying). I had to get to the car ASAP and get going! As soon as the wheels started rolling little man was fast a sleep.

Our first stop was Apprentice Restaurant in Stellenbosch.

We started with a lovely warm Cappuccino.

I love that they have their menu on a black board. It makes it easy to change and looks so funky.
Apprentice Restaurant is part of the Institute of Culinary Arts. ICA is a chef school that teaches young people how to be chefs. Apprentice Restaurant is the training restaurant. The student chefs get to cook & serve the public and it is all part of their practical training. The restaurant is run by head chef Hylton Espey and senior manager Johan Louw. They have both worked in some of the top restaurants in the country and have traveled the world.

We all decided to have the eggs florentine. It is soft poached eggs on a ricotta & spinach muffin with smoked salmon & delicious hollandaise sauce. Num num nummy!!! It WAS delicious!!!!

 I like the fact that you can pour your own hollandaise over!

Mmmmm I would have licked the plate if I could!! :o)

All of us had a great time!

The chef, Hylton came and had coffee with us.

Gummy the barista makes the BEST Cappuccino's!!

We then went off to Kaapzicht Wine Farm and tasted some of their delicious wines. Danie Steytler came and did the wine tasting for us!

It is the most beautiful farm!

Just nice down to earth people that makes great wine. Nothing is pretentious!

Danie with the Steytler wines - delicious and FULL of flavour!

We had a great day. Dylan was so well behaved and loved his first wine tasting! Thats my boy. :o)